Monday, May 15, 2006

‘Tis the season

Well, the army of bad television is almost stopping for summer and I must say I am excited about it. What will be on this summer? Will it be an old Greek Mythology story, cutting out all the homosexuality so no one bans it? Will it be some fantastic biblical epic that has been edited just in the right places so we don’t offend the people who pretend to have read it in the last twenty years? Will they have a Facts of Life reunion to show us that fat kids can live happy and learn how to live better if you stop calling them fat every week? I’m sure many web readers already know these answers, but I personally don’t care.

It’s kill your television summer at my happy little compound and I’m ready to go for a walk and live like a man free of the burden of which one of the “Desperate Housewives” will lose all moral reasoning and hurt the people they care about. I will breathe the fresh city air as I no longer wonder who the hell had time to draw a florescent map on a blast door that no one seems to care about being there in the first place. It will be a great time, of healing and self improvement. Books will be read, games will be placed, monuments will be visited, and penguins will be met.

The question is will I go back? When it all comes back on the air, will I find myself stuck in front of a TV with my attention span being cut to pieces by the glowing box that brings me joy? I hate my TV; it has made me a fat, unthinking sod that needed Superman to not only fall to the ground and look sick when they hold the glowing green rock near him, but also to say “Kryptonite….making….me….feel…weak….” Sure, I might have had something to do with it, but now is not the time for me to be the first person in my country to take accountability for my own actions. Now is the time to blame the people who make these happy video snippets of life worse then my own to make me feel better about being a screw-up and free myself from this couch based existence.

So, here I am. I am ready to walk away for my video enslavement and get back to using my mind and let it grow into the useful device it once was. When was the last time I sat in silence for more then five minutes without feeling a bit of panic? When was the last time I could focus on one thought and really give it the attention it deserved? It will be glorious, and I will feel empowered and will be a better person for it. I will never go back, never! I will be free!

At least till October when Battlestar Galactica comes back on. That show rocks, and you are out of your damn mind if you think I’m going to miss it.


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