Thursday, May 04, 2006

Blu-Ray Blues

Looks like Blu-ray is almost here. I have to admit what kind of nerd I am by the fact the only reason I am excited about it is that I’ll be able to start reducing the dozens on DVD’s I have of data to a few of the Blu’s.

I recall converting the CD’s to DVD’s and felt a weight lifted as I took the tower of disks to the recycling bin. I also recall taking them back in and destroying them so no one else could have my precious data. This was followed by pondering if I should make a second copy of everything and put it in a fireproof safe or get a safety deposit box in another city in case of terrorist attacks or volcanoes.

As I came back from my vision of an apocalyptic future where I was on the run from mutants desperate to have the only copy of Toto’s “Africa,” I decided I had been single too long. You’d be surprised how far the pick up line “I just condensed all my music to DVD’s” will get you at a Goth club, but that is another story.

The current prices for the devices and the blank disks are around $1000 and $45 respectively, so I don’t see me outside the Best Buy on the first day. Seeing how CD, CD-R, and DVD devices dropped that price so quickly; I think I can wait. I’m not the kind of nerd who has to have the new gadget the day it comes out.

Yeah, I did stand in line to see Star Wars at midnight. What about it? You don’t know me…


At May 06, 2006 11:41 PM, Blogger Nickel said...

i found your Blu-Ray blog entry to be both informative and entertaining... Of late, i havent really kept on top of the tech scene as much as i might have liked to... quite frankly, its refreshing to know that i can visit erratic regard to keep up with everything.

And thats not to belittle your opinions and reviews... thats really what i dig most about erratic regard. its honesty and its edge... viva la regard!

At May 07, 2006 1:24 AM, Blogger VF said...

I'm gonna have to go with...another Sony flop. Have we all forgot about there past mistakes here folks? MiniDisc? Betamax? ATRAC? UMD is even heading in this direction.

Even though I own many Sony products, I have very little faith in any proprietary formats that they trumpet out the manufacturing doors to the masses.

HD-DVD is less expensive. It will win.


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