Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Have you seen the trailers for this?

I just don’t know how to feel about this movie. Brian Singer did a great job on the X-Men and I loved him for it. Those two movies were as good as that comic was ever going to get on the big screen. That many character people love all together on the screen at the same time, and he still managed, as a whole, not to piss off any fanboy. That took a lot of skill and I won’t forget that.

But all the crap it took to get Superman back on the screen, all the revisions of the script, and all the people fired from the production make me fear he doesn’t have a chance to make a movie worth a damn. Trashing the movie lore by forgetting the last two movies was a stroke of genius. He’s also pulled any supernatural villain (spare me the Lex Luthor rant and go find a date) out of the movie so you can concentrate on the boy in blue. He tore all the things away that made anyone reading about it wince and replaced it with a story of being an outcast trying to win the people back. So freaking clever!

And, yet, I still have the feeling that I’ll be bored with it like I was as a kid when I saw the first one. It will play out of having him using his godlike power to make us feel awe in someone with such power and using it for good. Then, someone will find a green rock and he will fall on the ground and cry and writhe like you do when you hit your knee on the coffee table in the morning. The last part will be some ordinary person will kick the rock over a few feet; he will bounce back up and save the day. Woo Hoo. The world saved and I’m out ten bucks.

I’m really sick of the green rock story. It bores me terribly. I can see it coming and can only pray that it’s done in a better way. I believe in you, Brian. You made X-men work when no one else would have stood a chance. For me and for the inner child George Lucas viciously murdered, please make me believe a man can fly.


At June 02, 2006 12:22 AM, Blogger VF said...

I can't figure out why they offer an Ipod download option. I mean seriously, if your looking at that site already your gonna watch the trailer on your computer.

Well...unless you really want to watch that trailer over and over whenever you like that is.


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