Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Quiet Riot

I read yesterday that some people were buying gas for 29 cents in New York. It must have been a grand time for the buyers. I bet they felt proud they stuck it to the oil companies for that mistake. I imagine they feel great, and didn’t even consider all they did was cause some person that owns a convenience store to lose a lot of money.

Do you think the people knew that little fact? Were they misguided protestors, or just a bunch of scum sucking thieves? I almost hope they were thieves. Because I’m really getting tired of seeing Americans easily vault the bar is stupidity.

Do you recall how the French protested America’s plan to invade Iraq and get the weapons of mass destruction? Don’t look away, I’m talking to you. You remember that, right? They kept saying rude things, like “more proof.” You laughed when David Lettermen said “The last time France waited for more proof, it walked into Paris with a Nazi flag.” You looked at the American graveyards in France and were angry they would even question us after our sacrifice. Well, you know you did and I’ll not press you on it.

Anyway, during that little time of patriotism, there was a group of protestors who got a lot of air time all over the world. It was a group of people who showed their disapproval of France not backing us by pouring out French wine. Did they steal the wine? Did they boycott it? Did they protest stores that soled it? Nope, those fools paid for the wine, got in front of a camera, and poured it into the sewers. Must have been a sharp stick in the eye to be holding a wad of cash from the sales of all that wine and see it wasted like that. I bet the guy that sold it to them couldn’t sleep wondering how much more French wine he could get in stock in case you decided to do it again. You dumb people; do you not even see how stupid you look?

I don’t travel to other countries and think everyone hates me because I’m American. I see them pity me because they think I’m a moron like the ones they see on the news. I pray it was thievery that happened to those poor people who owned the gas station. I pray it because I know in the next week I’ll see some dumb American go buy 100 gallons of gas to burn a protest to the oil companies in his lawn, or buy an SUV and run it off a cliff to protest low gas mileage.

And the rich eat you…


At May 24, 2006 11:06 AM, Blogger Doc Thirst said...

You comments make me wonder if the tea was paid for before or after it arrived.


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